Latest Excursion

  • Posted by: Bob Jensen
The last few days we have been traveling and Ohio State Reformatory started off pretty good for us. Caitlin ended up having her 1st person experience at the prison in the attic by multiple touches.
Our Ovilus 5b was throwing out such nonsense it was ridiculous to even attempt to use. The paranormal puck 2b was no better while we were able to debunk many of the mapped figures that the Kinect SLS Camera was picking up in a part of the museum and stairwell.
It truly got to the point that most of the overpriced , fancy gear was put away and we went Old School for the rest of the night.
From there a side trip to Gettysburg, PA (before heading back to iIlinois ) was in order. Again a couple of pieces of equipment were taken onto the battlefield in such a way that no attention was drawn to us. The Puck 2b was useless, the Ovilus 5b hit a few key words but we don’t feel this was direct responses but more of random gibberish it seems to throw around and these words were next inline . However, the TIR – Crosshair was active and it was very interesting to see this happen.
Cannot wait to get some more time away from Illinois and head to some more sites.
Author: Bob Jensen