Recent Happenings

  • Posted by: Bob Jensen

As the 2018 year winds down and 2019 things are moving forward in a more positive direction.

A new webpage is in the works and should be up and running  mid month or so Jan 2019.  It has been a long time coming and yes it’s been on the back burner but it needs to be done. Along with this we are discussing ideas with a graphic designer to come up with a more permanant logo and t-shirt design which again needed to be done but between time and funds it has been difficult.

New members are coming onboard to replace a few that have stepped away to either pursue this field with another group or simply are too busy busy. We have also been contacted by past members wanting to come back so it’ll be great having some old faces back in the ranks.

Founder Bob Jensen is back in Illinois after months away between his normal job and traveling with two different cable networks. He is currently working on a new show already being filmed as an advisor / historian for them.

We are very much looking forward to the 2019 season with lectures, investigations and our joint Convention in Gettysburg, PA with our great friend Ursula Bielski.


Author: Bob Jensen

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